Maneuvering Tutorial Part II

his is a maneuvering tutorial part II, containing some techniques and tricks on using 3DMG.

Instant Acceleration
This is a trick to increase your acceleration from 0 to about 1k instantly.
  • First, jump
  • Double hook your target
  • Just as your hooks hit it, use gas burst
  • Release your hooks

*This trick needs a good precision of time

Here's for an example:

instant speed acceleration tutorial

Turning 90°~
While critical reeling can change your direction in 30-45°, this trick can change your direction in about 90°~. This trick is usually used to move in zig-zag pattern, mostly used by pro players.

  • Hook an object
  • Press and hold the Reel Out (by using rebind)
  • Release both your hook and the reel out at the same time

Here's for an example:

turn 3dmg 90 degree

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