Intermediate Tutorial Part I Fast Kill Titans

Hello guys. Now, i will share about how to kill titans fast. So, i assume you guys are getting familiar with aottg game mechanics now, such as how hooks works, gas, gravity, speed, balance, and other variables.

aottg technique equator cut

I bet you're already tired with blinding slash, every titan kill needs at least 10 secs. Fortunately, with this tech you could kill a titan in an instant.
This technique is commonly called The Equator Cut.
  • First, move to the right/left for a moment (so you can later spin around it's neck while hooking)
  • Jump and use both hooks to hook it's neck
  • Adjust your position
  • Pass through it's neck and slash 

This move doesn't provide high damage, but effective on fast killing.

This is an example of using Equator Cut:

AOTTG Equator cut tutorial to fast kill titans

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