How To Get Name and Color Your Name

You could make your own custom name instead of GUEST. You need an RC Mod to get this feature. With your own custom name, people will get to know you easier. You can also color your name. Here we go.

First, open the RC Mod. If you don't have it, download it here
Then go to Custom Name

Custom name username

Type your name on the 'name' bar.

Guild name

Then click Save so you can just Load it if you open RC Mod again. Your name will have default dark-blue color.

become noobslayer

If you don't like this dark-blue color, you can change it by adding some Color Hex Codes.

ex: [FFFFFF]NoobSlayer123
You will get full white colored NoobSlayer123 as your name.

become noob slayer

or: [FFFFFF]Noob[000000]Slayer123
You will get white colored "Noob" and black colored "Slayer123" as your name

get colored name and username

You can get some Color Hex Codes here

*It goes the same for the guild name.
*It has some characters limit
* Functions like registering, change password, forget password are not included. Use the original game if you want to do any of that.

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